A tracker that adjusts in two solar panels can yield up to 40% more PV output (from what I've read). However, is it worth the cost? There is a school of thought that adding a few more non-tilting panels alleviates the need for a tracker.
This time, however, we will not introduce solar tracking system, but the fixed adjustable ground mounting system with seasonal adjustment. The fixed adjustable ground mounting system is not as efficient as automatic tracking systems, but it is cheaper and more profitable than common solar ground mounting bracket system.
Kseng`s fixed adjustable ground mounting system is allow just one person to manually adjust tilt angle to certain degrees easily. It is easy and cost-effective ground mounting system. Just take 1-2 minutes to finish angle adjustment.
The fixed adjustable ground racking sytem merits:
Stepless adjusting
One-person adjusting
Electric tool adjusting
Adaption to various terrains allowing a slope up to 10%-20%
Eay installation and easy maintenance
The solar racking system made by HDG steel and Al-Mg-Zn coating steel which featured with high strength. They can be mounted on a concrete foundation, PHC pile and ground screw pile. Customized tilt angles meet the complex requirements of the construction site and use effectively energy of the sun. Pre-assembled beam saves labor time, reduces cost and makes installation quick. The fixed adjustable mounting system makes solar power muchmore cost-effective as it increases overall power collection efficiency. The angle will be adjusted according to the season or the project maintenance circle.